Monday, March 28, 2011

Prego spans the globe...and the Ranger's Lead the Way!

Ok, so it wasn't the globe, but Charlie and I did manage to visit both coasts in the span of one week.  Two weekends ago, I went for a long weekend to see my California family.  Cy was not so sure about dropping me off at the airport!  It was really the first time that Charlie and I have been away from him (at least since I sprouted this basketball under my shirt)!  For the record, Charlie digs flying and kicks a TON during kick off and landing.  My flight got in a little late and my cousin Mike and his son Liam (one of my very best buddies) met me at the airport.  The welcome committee was fantastic, but half of the committee got a little tired on the ride home:

The weekend was so fun and even included grilling pizzas with my cousin Lisa during a downpour.  Lisa never disappoints and the food during the weekend was awesome...including two different kinds of homemade cupcakes!  Below is a picture of sweet baby Reagan, Liam's little sister. 

While I was in California, Kurt, an AWESOME finish carpenter and good friend of my Dad, surprised me by putting up the wainscoting in the nursery!  He did a beautiful job and it was SO fun to come home to the finished project!  I would be remiss if I didn't also mention that while I was in Calfornia, Cy completed a major pantry reorganization project that included adding additional shelves.  It looks great, but he was a little disappointed that I was slightly more enamored by the wainscoting...

Last Thursday and Friday, I flew to Boston for a quick work trip.  Needless to say, I was tired from a bi-coastal week and we took the weekend to relax and catch up on house stuff and errands. 

The painter came today to paint the nursery and it is officially finished!  I am IN LOVE with the wainscoting and the paint color (a faded navy color that changes depending on the light in the room)!  On to bedding!!  We're accenting the colors below with bedding and other furniture that is navy, orange and chocolate brown.  More pictures to come as we complete additional stages of the room, but see below for a few shots of the wainscoting and paint:  

As if major nursery progress weren't enough, I've saved the best news for last.   Lynn (Cy's Mom, aka Grandma) called last night to say that she heard from Cy's little brother Vill yesterday and he completed his Ranger training!  While we already knew it, he really proved that he is SUPER tough and we are so proud of his major accomplishment!  We're headed to Ft. Benning soon to see him officially become a Ranger and receive his tab and can't wait to celebrate with him!  He mentioned in his last letter that he is really looking forward to eating a huge, long dinner.  Um, yes please!  I'm all for that! 

Look for pictures of our trip to Ft. Benning and Uncle Vill, our Ranger, in the next post! 

Until then! 

Meighan and Charlie

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Latest: A baptism and prego perks!

Hey Family and Friends!

A few weeks ago, I was pulling into Hy-Vee on a super busy Sunday afternoon.  It was freezing cold, snowing and I was determined to get in and out at the store.  The parking lot was packed...and then I saw it.  The golden ticket...parking for new and expectant mothers!  The fine people at Hy-Vee have included not one, but two spots for us.  I felt a little guilty because I'm not a total whale yet (but making progress) and would hate for a prego that is further along to lose out.  But if I kept acting like that, I'd only park in the prego spot for a couple of weeks!  I took the opportunity to park there that day and managed to snag the spot for a second time yesterday.  I was so excited about it that I took a picture and sent it to Cy...

Ok, on to much more spectacular items.  Our really good friends Curtis and Amber asked us to be the godparents of their sweet baby girl, Adalynn.  Curtis and I have been friends for literally our entire lives.  When I was 9 months old, I started at in-home daycare with Curtis' mom.  The two of us have been best buddies since then (picture us on the first day of kindergarten posing in front of the school bus.  Nice bike shorts, Curtis).  We've been through a lot...I once launched a Fisher Price cash register at him.  He deserved it and we've since moved on.  Anyway, Cy and I were beyond honored and thrilled to be part of their special day!  Congrats to Curtis who was also baptized!  Below are a few pictures from the weekend's festivities.

Curtis, Amber and Adalynn:

Proud Godparents!

Cy was getting some good practice, but was a little nervous to hold such a tiny baby at first! 

Charlie and Adalynn are going to repeat the friendship that Curtis and I began so long ago!  Curtis is almost exactly 6 months older than I am and depending on when Charlie arrives, he and Adalynn will be almost exactly 6 months apart as well! 

Have a wonderful week! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pregnant in Vegas...

Yes, that's where all the pregnant girls go to get away.  You didn't know that?  Ok, maybe not.  But truthfully, we booked the trip a LONG time ago and it meant one last chance to see Garth Brooks perform before Charlie arrives!  If you and I aren't well acquainted, that's one thing you'll learn quickly.  I love country music and Garth Brooks is near the very top of my list.  Cy totally indulges my obsession with seeing him live because a.) Vegas is fun and b).  The show really is the best we've ever seen.  

It was VERY awkward to be pregnant in Vegas.  It was obvious from the get-go that I had a shortage of skin tight mini dresses.  Amen.  I've never felt so out of place as I did when walking into the hotel late Friday night in the midst of the club going girls, and I've never been so glad for my out of place status! 

Our room was awesome!  We were upgraded because they didn't have anymore non-smoking rooms in the level (cheapest) we had booked.  We ended up on the 52nd floor overlooking the strip and the mountains:

So what is there to do in Vegas when you're pregnant and your hubby is super indulgent?  Eat, sleep and shop!  Here are a few highlights...

Saturday night we had dinner at a pizza place in the hotel and Cy was starving.  Additionally, lately all I want is to have a few bites of several things.  This resulted in us ordering a meal so large that the girl at the counter said, "...and how many place settings?"  Yep, just two, thanks.  The server came out and seriously thought he was at the wrong table.  Nice.  Here's a shot of our spread...

Feel free to count.  Yes, there are four meals there.  And an appetizer.

On Sunday, we ate at THE MOST amazing restaurant for brunch.  I told Cy I was really upset that we'd never eaten there before and requested to only eat there for the remainder of the trip.  What was this miraculous place?  A restaurant dedicated to chocolate.  Here is a shot of my apple cinnamon white chocolate truffle french toast:

Seriously, how happy do I look?  Ha!  It came with a side of melted white chocolate to drizzle like syrup. The best was when Cy's skillet scramble came out with a side of melted milk chocolate.  Seriously.  I would post that picture, but I think you guys get the point.  The waitress actually brought me a spoon to eat the milk chocolate.  In return, I requested that Cy give her a huge tip.

Sunday was another glorious day of shopping and napping.  Vegas can be relaxing when you aren't pounding cocktails and staying out all night!  I had some great luck on the Wheel (Wheel of Fortune that is) that I parlayed (like my Vegas terminology?) that into lots of fun on the Roulette wheel.  Cy was against Roulette for all of 30 seconds until we started winning.  Within 4 minutes we were up a couple hundred dollars due to betting on Charlie's due date!  Like any responsible parents would, we cashed out immediately and spent the winnings shopping. 

Ok, so what about Garth?  He was AWESOME!  This was by far the best concert and we had ridiculous seats in the fifth row. 

It was a wonderful and much needed weekend away!

Until next time! 

The Phillips Family