Hey Family and Friends!
When we first found out we were pregnant, Cy and I talked about how fun it would be to blog through the whole process. And by Cy and I , I mean that Cy talked about how fun it would be for me to blog. He is right though, and I've been meaning to do this. Both as a way to communicate with family and friends all over the country (and world! Hey Stella!), but also to have another way to record milestones throughout the pregnancy.
So in an effort to catch up with where we are today (20 weeks and a few days already!), here are a few highlights:
6 weeks: We heard baby's first heartbeat! Here is a picture of the little bean (actually grain of rice or something to that effect) that day:
10 weeks: Ultrasound number 2! The doctor couldn't find baby's heartbeat via the doppler...and asked if we had time to stick around for an ultrasound. REALLY?!? Yes, we had time. All was well and baby had grown a ton!
12 weeks: We told everyone! This was terrifying, but really fun at the same time. We were overwhelmed by the excitement of our family and friends. It was a GREAT weekend!
16 and a half weeks: I felt baby's first kicks! They started as really small little flutters, but have really grown as the weeks go by. We are eagerly awaiting the day that Cy can feel baby's movement, too.
18 weeks: This was a HUGE week. We bought baby's nursery furniture (crib and changer...thanks Dad and Di!!) before going to our level 2 ultrasound. I wanted to pick it out before we found out what we were expecting so that I wouldn't be swayed. This sounds sort of dumb, but I am over the top when it comes to planning and OCD tendencies. Bear with me. On the morning of January 25th, we found out that we are expecting a little BOY! See below for the BEST picture...he is sucking his left thumb and his right hand is just above his head...I bought the frame at Suite Dreams...couldn't help it!

18 - 20 weeks: Weeks 18 to 20 have been filled with so much fun stuff...namely shopping for Baby Boy Phillips (Emily and I made an entire afternoon of this...she is a really supportive friend.). His style is decidely preppy...less cutesy and more stud muffin. I'm laughing as I type this, but know that I am totally serious. He is going to be a ladies' man at daycare. Sarah came from Chicago for the weekend (please come back right now!) and we shopped non-stop for clothes and nursery gear. She is THE BEST. One day, we are going to start a business designing nurseries. She went home to Chicago and told John about our plans...then told him that she isn't ready for a baby just yet, but would really like to make a baby room. John, are you ever letting her come back? Here are some highlights from the shopping:

Yes, those are swim trunks. They're for our maternity leave (known hereafter as "summer off") swimming party. Here is a shot of the crib filled with his new wardrobe. So what if he has three pairs of jeans:

In addition to baby news and my expanding waistline, there is a bunch of other amazing stuff that has gone on in the last 20 weeks! Alicia (Cy's little sister) joined the Peace Corps and was assigned to Fiji! No, I didn't forget how to spell, she is really going to live in Fiji for 27 months. And she leaves in May. So yes, we are super sad she won't be around when Baby Phillips' joins us, but we CAN'T WAIT to go visit her in 2012! Also, Vill (Cy's little brother, funny that I am using little for any of them) is in Ranger school RIGHT NOW. Is it HARD. Think breaking the ice on the lake so that they can run their water testing. So say a prayer for him because even though he is super tough and will smoke everyone else, I think he could use our prayers. On another sibling note, Cy's older sister Stella was assigned to Edwards AFB this summer and we are pumped to have her back in the States!
Ok, more to come, but I have to end this post somewhere. Up next, nursery work and some pictures of the growing bump!
Meighan and Little BP (Baby Phillips...details on his name in the next post)